• “Say something positive, and you'll see something positive.” Jim Thompson

Friday, February 15, 2008

Job Hunter's Class Room

Job-Maldives Class Room is designed to provide free information to our readers and it includes the following sections

1. The Career Tips Centre contains articles and information about how to choose the best career for you
2. The Cover Letter Centre explains the importance of including a cover letter when you send your CV to the employer and how to compile an effective cover letter.
3. The Job Hunting Tips Centre is ideal for everyone those who want hunt a job without wasting the time
4. The Resume Tips Centre contains information about CV compilation and how to provide employers with a thorough description of your career to date.

We only ask from you to send your suggestions and ideas to support Job-Maldives.com to make it the best Place to Hunt Jobs.
If you have an article or information which can be included in Job-Maldives.com feel free to send it to ads@job-maldives.com
Use the Red Button below and Support Job-Maldives

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